
A comprehensive registration process for organisations and users.

Our Process

It looks more complicated than it really is, we promise. Follow the steps below to register your organisation, associated users and to access our full range of services.

Service Selection

1. Service Selection

Select from the wide range of services on offer. You can always change or add to these in the future.

Services list
Register Organisation

2. Register Organisation

Provide basic information about your organisation and highlight which services you’re interested in.

Register organisation
Organisation Number

3. Organisation Number

We’ll send you a unique organisation number. This is required to associate users securely with your organisation.

Note: Email may end up in your junk or spam folder.

Add Users

4. Register Users

New users need to provide basic information and use the unique organisation number provided.

Register users
Verify Account

5. Verify Your Account

You’ll receive a verification email from us. To proceed, please ensure you verify your account using the instructions provided in the email.

Note: Email may end up in your junk or spam folder.

Book Meeting

6. Book A Meeting With Us

The majority of our services requires your organisation to engage and meet with us.

Note: We offer virtual and in-person consultations.