Health Economics

Understand and modify the elements that drive and determine economic value and ultimately a health systems’ willingness-to-pay for a healthcare product.

Cost Utility Analysis

Our flagship tool designed to capture and translate economic value between current practice and one or more comparators in a select country or health system. Cost Utility Analysis allows for systematic and robust comparisons across patient pathways, costs and outcomes.

Note: There are opportunities to undertake custom and specific analyses in the form of Cost Effectiveness and Cost Benefit Analysis.

Subgroup Analysis

An add-on feature to our Cost Utility Analysis service that allows organisations to differentiate value, by relevant subgroups. Where appropriate, subgroup analyses are provided by gender, age, ethnicity, deprivation and disease-stage.

Note: Stratification for the various subgroups outlined above may or may not exist for your model. This is determined on a case-by-case basis.

Value-Based Pricing

An add-on feature to our Cost Utility Analysis service that allows organisations to understand their market size, structure and its players. Additionally, orgnisations can explore the complex relationship between costing inputs and value. Especially important for organisations looking to determine a health systems’ willingness-to-pay for a healthcare product.

Budget Impact

An add-on feature to our Cost Utility Analysis service that allows organisations to estimate the likely change in healthcare expenditure resulting from (new) product adoption and integration. Budget impact reflects population size and growth, patient eligibility and growth, speed of uptake and market share of the proposed intervention.
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