
Explore and compare existing health economic models for different diseases, conditions and interventions.

League Table

A simplistic overview of existing health economic evaluations. Allows organisations to explore and compare the relationship between cost and value of multiple interventions. Our league table provides a quantitative ranking of alternative treatment strategies based on their efficacy, safety and costs.

Note: When comparing between countries, please note differences in currency, exchange rate, discount rates, time horizon and any population subgroups.


Subgroup Analysis

An add-on feature to our League Table service that allows organisations to differentiate health economic evaluations and their respective ranking, by relevant subgroups. Where appropriate, subgroup analyses are provided by gender, age, ethnicity, deprivation and disease-stage.

Note: Stratification for the various subgroups outlined above may or may not exist for the select model. Check out our full league-table model list.


Effectiveness Analysis

An add-on feature to our League Table service that allows organisations to differentiate health economic evaluations and their respective ranking, by varying degrees of intervention effectiveness.

Note: Stratification for varying degrees of intervention effectiveness may or may not exist for the select model. Check out our full league-table model list.

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